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Visiting International Students Online Application

Step 1
Visa Status
Step 2
Personal Profile
Step 3
Financial/Family Information
Step 4
English Proficiency
Step 5
Document Uploads
Step 6
Course Selection
Step 7
Grade Options
Step 8
Fee Payment
Step 9
Review & Confirm
Step 10
Print Confirmation
Step 10 must be completed before your courses are confirmed.
Call (949) 824-6494 for help.

Application Status: UNKNOWN.
You are not logged in. You may browse courses, but registration is disabled until you begin or continue an application.

Waitlisting a course does not apply towards total number of units enrolled to maintain an F-1 student visa. You may waitlist a course, but you are required to officially enroll in at least 6-units total. If you waitlist a course, you will be contacted by Summer Session when space becomes available in the course. You will be provided with instructions on how to change your course schedule. Be mindful that enrolling into a waitlisted course is time-sensitive and requires prompt attention.

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